The Dos and Don'ts of Exercising Smart

We all know how important daily exercise is for our health and overall well-being. That doesn't mean you need to work out for hours and hours each day. But you do need to think about exercising smart.

Does your exercising enhance your life or cause you problems? The safest fitness plans begin slowly and build to a steady pace, so you can learn proper form, prevent injuries and gradually develop your endurance. As you gain strength and stamina, ramping up the intensity of your routines will come naturally.

Here are some important dos and don'ts for getting the most from your moves without hurting yourself:

  • DO include time for warming up and cooling down to improve your performance
  • DON’T stretch before exercising, save it for after you cool down to protect your muscles
  • DO use the proper gear, from shoes to clothes to equipment, to ensure comfort and safety
  • DON’T allow poor form – focus on aligning and moving your body properly to prevent injury
  • DO drink water before, during and after exercise to avoid dehydration and heat exhaustion
  • DON’T exercise the same way every day – variety is more interesting and much more beneficial
  • DO keep your workout balanced between exercises that target the front and the back of your body
  • DON’T boost your speed or resistance too soon – increase your length of time first
  • DO give your muscles 48 hours to recover between any type of strength training sessions

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